时逢虎年春节,中国美术馆推出了虎年新春贺岁系列展览。作为虎年新春贺岁的重要文化项目本次展览将使用全部17个展厅空间共展出500余件作品,为观众奉献文化过大年的视觉盛宴 “年画大展”:分门别类品种繁多据介绍,本次“年画大展”分设“佳节逢春”、“百子闹春”、“好戏迎春”、“新风沐春”共四个部分。“佳节逢春”集中展示门画类、吉祥类、风俗类年画,同时还遴选镇宅神虎图数幅,以喻示虎年的到来。“百子闹春”主要展示娃娃题材的年画。娃娃是我国民间美术最常见
When the Year of the Tiger Spring Festival, the China Art Museum launched the Year of the Tiger Lunar New Year series of exhibitions. As an important cultural project for the Lunar New Year in the Year of the Tiger, this exhibition will use a total of more than 500 works on display in all 17 exhibition halls. It will serve as a visual feast of culture for the audience. Exhibition of New Year Pictures: A Variety According to Introduction This year’s New Year Pictures exhibition is divided into four parts: Spring Festival, Spring Festival of the hundred children, Spring Festival of the Spring Festival and Fresh Spring Festival. “Spring Festival of the Spring Festival,” focus on display categories of paintings, auspicious categories, customs New Year paintings, but also select the town house god tiger figure several, to show the arrival of the Year of the Tiger. “Baizi downtown spring ” mainly show the doll theme New Year pictures. Dolls are the most common folk art in our country