最近总觉得有点郁闷,随着年龄数字的不断攀升,世界仿佛变得复杂和存在过多的不确定性,惆怅感就像瘟疫一般泛滥,令人不知所措,而又无从渲泄和表达。虽然生活“充实”得除了工作还是工作,但依然感觉饱食终日,无所事事。我常常想是否只有我才有这么多无病呻吟的时候,我想这应该与多虑无关,至少身边的人们总会传递出不同的生活意念。就像初认识的这间房子的设计师,对生活的态度总是抱有明确的概念,虽然因为陌生而略微显得有点寡言,但只要细心留意房子的设计,便不会怀疑他是个不善表达的人,只是表达的方式有所不同,有的人用话语,有的人用文字,有的人则用行动。k 。
Recently I feel a bit gloomy. As the number of people in the world climbs up constantly, the world seems to be complicated and there is too much uncertainty. The sense of devastation is like a plague epidemic. It is overwhelming and can not be excused and expressed. Although life “enrich ” in addition to work or work, but still feel full day, nothing to do. I often wonder if only I have so much groanless, I think this should have nothing to do with worry, at least people around them will always convey a different concept of life. Like the architect who first met the house, he always had a clear concept of his attitude toward life. Although his appearance of being a little strange was unfamiliar, he would not doubt that he was poorly expressed as long as he paid careful attention to the design of the house. People, just different ways of expression, some people use words, some people use words, while others use the action. k.