深入调查研究 搞好施工企业改革

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深入实际调查研究,是我党的优良传统,也是新时期提高领导干部决策水平的关键。最近,江泽民总书记在成都和武汉分别召开的国有企业改革和发展座谈会上,面对国有企业改革和发展的艰巨任务,又一次强调指出:“我们要坚定不移的贯彻党的群众路线,进一步转变领导作风,大兴调查研究之风”。江泽民总书记这一指示,对推动国有大中型企业改革和发展有极其重要的意义。 当前,国有企业改革正处于全面攻坚阶段。前一段改革虽然取得了很大进展,但是,还有许多问题急待解决,如:建立现代企业制度;优化国有资产结构;三年实现企业解围;减员增效、下岗分流、实施再就业工程;改革社会保障制度,减轻企业负担,等等。这些问题,正如江总书记所指出的:“是 In-depth investigation and study is an excellent tradition of our party and the key to raising the level of decision-making for leading cadres in the new period. Recently, General Secretary Jiang Zemin held a symposium on the reform and development of state-owned enterprises held in Chengdu and Wuhan respectively. In the face of the arduous task of reform and development of state-owned enterprises, he once again emphasized: “We must unswervingly implement the party’s mass line, To further change the style of leadership, Daxing investigate the wind." General Secretary Jiang Zemin’s instructions are extremely important for promoting the reform and development of state-owned large and medium-sized enterprises. At present, the reform of state-owned enterprises is in an all-out phase. Although great progress has been made in the previous reform period, there are still many problems waiting to be resolved, such as the establishment of a modern enterprise system, the optimization of the state-owned assets structure, the realization of a three-year enterprise rescue, the reduction in staff efficiency, the separation of laid-off workers, and the implementation of a reemployment project; Reform the social security system, reduce the burden on businesses, and so on. These problems, as pointed out by General Secretary Jiang, are:
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