Patient, female, 44 years old. Due to repeated bleeding gums, epistaxis 1 year, abdominal pain with hematemesis 4h, outpatient to systemic lupus erythematosus, secondary thrombocytopenic purpura in February 3, 1994 income medical. After admission check: BP135 / 90mmHg. Face was butterfly erythema. Heart sound, heart rate 80min ~ (-1), law Qi, apex can be heard and Ⅱ grade hair-style systolic murmur. Abdomen soft, the liver is not big. Blood C-reactive protein (CRP) +, ESR 70mm / h, platelets 35 × 10 ~ 9 / L, found lupus cells. Give symptomatic treatment of hormones and other drugs for 23 days, bleeding stopped, symptoms significantly improved. To quickly reduce erythrocyte sedimentation rate, try traditional Chinese medicine turmeric 10g, Shuijianbi. The third dose after 3h, patients with palpitation, headache, vertigo, irritability, malaise, BP240 / 130mmHg, heart rate 120min ~ (-1). Taking into account the use of turmeric tablets, namely nifedipine 10mg, captopril 12.5mg sublingual, 2h after the patient’s symptoms disappear, BP90 / 75mmHg, heart rate 96min ~ (-1). The following day follow-up tablets turmeric, 3h after service also appeared above performance. The patient was admitted to hospital for the second time on April 21, 1994, and switched to turmeric 5g and Shuijianbi. After the service, blood pressure increased and his heartbeat accelerated.