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A universal matrix perturbation technique for complex modes is presented. This technique is applicable to all the three cases of complex eigenvalues : distinct,
近日,十三届全国人大常委会第十二次会议表决通过了关于修改土地管理法的决定。新土地管理法将此前多地关于“三块地”(农村土地征收、集体经营性建设用地入市、宅基地)改革的试点经验吸纳进来,把一些实践上升到了法律。  农村土地改革涉及亿万农民切身利益、關乎国计民生。新土地管理法做出了多项创新性的规定:首次对土地征收的公共利益进行明确界定;首次明确了土地征收补偿的基本原则是保障被征地农民原有生活水平不降低,
The new notions of H-metric spaces and generalized H-KKM mappings were introduced. Some generalized H-KKM type theorems for generalized H-KKM mappings with fini
Adaptive space-time finite element method, continuous in space but discontinuous in time for semi-linear parabolic problems is discussed. The approach is based
Basic equations of energy-to-cth-power difference criterion were derived for multi-degree-of-freedom(MDOF) systems subjected to stationary Gaussian excitations
New existence results are presented for the singular second-order nonlinear boundary value problems u' + g(t)f(u) = 0, 0 < t < 1, au(0) - βu′(0) = 0,γu(1)
Based on the hydrodynamics, the airflow exciting-vibration force of control stage of steam turbine is studied by using the momentum theorem. A formulation for c
Any composition sequential mapping, periodic composition mapping of a complete non-empty metric space M into M with geometric mean contraction ratio less than 1