
来源 :中国高新区 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sunzheng_1985
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基于企业规模视角,以福建省第七批174家创新型企业面板数据为例,建立随机前沿超越对数函数对创新效率及技术非效率项进行比较分析。结果表明,福建省创新型企业创新效率处于中等水平,大型与中小型创新型企业创新效率相近,一部分创新型企业创新效率较高。在技术非效率项方面,R&D研发人员比重和R&D研发投入比重达到一定比例时,将提高创新效率;企业负债率对中小型创新型企业有积极影响,对大型创新型企业影响不显著;科技计划项目政府投入强度对所有类型创新型企业创新效率作用不显著。 Taking the 174th panel of innovative enterprise in Fujian Province as an example, this paper establishes a stochastic frontier transcendental logarithm function to compare the innovation efficiency and technical inefficiency terms based on the scale of enterprises. The results show that the innovation efficiency of innovative enterprises in Fujian Province is at a medium level, that of large and medium-sized innovative enterprises is similar, and that of some innovative enterprises is relatively high. In terms of technical inefficiencies, R & D R & D proportion and proportion of R and D R & D investment will increase the efficiency of innovation; the debt ratio of enterprises has a positive impact on small and medium-sized innovative enterprises but not significant impact on large-scale innovative enterprises; The intensity of project government investment has no significant effect on the innovation efficiency of all types of innovative enterprises.
推开窗户,  我呼吸空气的清新;  扒开泥土,  我测量大地的体温。    翻开课本,  我闻到汉字的芳馨;  打开收音机,  我听到祖国前进的足音。    祖国啊,我属于你,  是你的一个组成部分。    我是你大树上的一片叶子,  在春天里舒展着清新和鲜嫩;  我是你长河里的一朵浪花,  在笑声里显露着不倦的精神。    祖国啊,我属于你,  是你的一个组成部分。    你是云雀唤醒的早晨, 