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“国家有难,匹夫有责。能为抗击非典作贡献,是圣和人的光荣和骄傲。我们将全力以赴,开足马力,尽一切力量保证产品供应,和全国人民一道打赢这场没有硝烟的战争”。5月1日,省委书记李源潮前去看望并慰问在非常时期坚守岗位生产防非典药物的一线职工时,刚刚荣获第七届“南京十大杰出青年”称号的南京市栖霞区政协常委、南京圣和药业有限公司董事长兼总经理王勇这样回答。实业梦“坐观垂钓者,徒有羡渔情,经济建设的大潮,才是我搏击人生的舞台”。王勇,1968年出生,1987年就读于中国药科大学药理学专业。1991年毕业后留校,从事科研开发工作;1994年,调到南京市医药总公司工作。一个是神圣而令人尊敬的科研事业,另一个是稳定而薪酬颇丰的工作岗位,而这些都没有拴住这个年轻人的心。1996年,王勇毅然放弃安稳的工作,联络了几个校友,投资1000万元,创办了南京圣和药业有限公司,走上了实业兴国之路。短短6年多的时间,圣和药业便从最初代理一、二个药品的销售,迅速发展成为一家集医药研 “It is the honor and the honor of Saint and people to be able to contribute to the fight against atypical pneumonia. We will go all out to make every effort to ensure the supply of products and to win this together with all the people in the country.” Field no smoke war “. On May 1, Li Yuanchao, secretary of the provincial party committee, went to visit and condolences to the first-line workers who persisted in producing anti-SARS drugs during the extraordinary period and just won the honorary title of the Standing Committee of CPPCC of Qixia District in Nanjing, the seventh ”Top Ten Outstanding Young Persons in Nanjing“ , Said Wang Yong, chairman and general manager of Nanjing Shenghe Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Industrial dream ”sit anglers, there is only the envy of fisheries, the tide of economic construction, is my fight life stage ". Wang Yong, born in 1968, studied Pharmacology at China Pharmaceutical University in 1987. After graduation in 1991 to stay in school, engaged in scientific research and development work; in 1994, transferred to Nanjing Pharmaceutical Corporation. One is a sacred and venerable scientific research, the other is a stable and well-paid job, which are not tied to the heart of this young man. In 1996, Wang Yong decided to give up his steady job, contacted a few alumni, invested 10 million yuan, founded Nanjing Shenghe Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. and embarked on the road of rejuvenating the country. Just six years time, St. and Pharmaceutical from the initial agent of one or two sales of drugs, the rapid development of a medical research
通过对滑坡区路基段调查和补勘,掌握了滑坡的成因及特点,在此基础上并根据路基拓宽要求和历次治理经过进行拓宽后支护设计,最终主要采用了锚索抗滑桩方案。 By investigatin
初步分析了陕西省水资源条件与特点、水资源开发利用现状及其存在的主要问题,在此基础上,对水资源合理开发利用与保护的途径、措施等进行了新的探讨 Based on the preliminary