我厂中心分析室制作蒸馏水用的WSZ-226型电热蒸馏水器,因没有断水保护装置,每当断水,就会烧坏电热元件。后来笔者安装了一个简单的断水保护装置,经几年来的使用,效果很好,没再发生过烧坏电热元件的事故。现介绍如下。 1.工作原理原理图如图1所示,是一个电子开关电路。当电热蒸馏水器达到规定水位时,A、B两电极接通,VT导通,KM工作,其常开触点闭合,指示灯亮,表示可以起动了;然后按下起动按钮S,K得电,电热元件工作,开始制蒸馏水。
I plant center analysis room for the production of distilled water WSZ-226 type electric distilled water, because there is no water protection device, whenever the water, it will burn electric components. Later, I installed a simple water protection device, after several years of use, the effect is very good, no recurrence of electric components burned accident. Now introduced as follows. 1. Working principle Schematic diagram shown in Figure 1, is an electronic switching circuit. When the electrothermal distilled water to reach the required level, A, B two electrodes connected, VT conduction, KM work, the normally open contact closed, the indicator light, that can be started; and then press the start button S, K was power, Heating element work, began to make distilled water.