Imaging Analysis of Primary Malignant Intracranial Lymphoma

来源 :Clinical Oncology and Cancer Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:982114
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OBJECTIVE To investigate the images characteristics of primarymalignant intracranial lymphoma .METHODS Retrospective study was conducted on CT/MRIimaging characteristics of 9 cases with primary malignantintracranial lymphoma.RESULTS The patients had lesions mostly in the supratentorialregion, including the parts of deep white matter, para-ependymalregions, and corpus callosum. The shapes of the lesions wereround or irregular. CT scan showed equal or slightly high densityof the tumor images, compared with the normal tissue in the brain.The T1 WI of MRI scan on the tumor showed low signal and theT2WI showed equal or slightly high signal. The MRI signals werehomogenous. Cystic lesion, calcification, and hemorrhage wererarely seen in MRI. Edema around tumor and its occupationaleffect was lessened. Edema around tumor shown in MRI was notin accordance with the true volume of the tumor mass. Enhancedscan on the lesions showed homogenous enhancement, and thepia mater invaded and/or the spread along ependyma.CONCLUSION Images of primary malignant intracraniallymphoma have specific characteristics that are useful in itsdiagnosis and differential diagnosis. OBJECTIVE To investigate the images characteristics of primary malignant intracranial lymphoma. METHODS Retrospective study was conducted on CT / MRIimaging characteristics of 9 cases with primary malignant tumor of lymphoma. RESULTS The patient had lesions mostly in the supratentorial regiment, including the parts of deep white matter, para-ependymalregions , and corpus callosum. The shapes of the lesions wereround or irregular. CT scan showed equal or slightly high density of the tumor images, compared with the normal tissue in the brain. T1 WI of MRI scan on the tumor showed low signal and the T2WI showed Edema around tumor and its occupationaleffectwas lessened. Edema around tumor shown in MRI was notin accordance with the true volume of the tumor mass. Enhancedscan on the lesions showed homogenous enhancement, and the pia mater invaded and / or the spread along ependyma. CONCLUSION Images of primary malignant intracraniallymphoma have specific characteristics that are useful in its diagnosis and differential diagnosis.
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一、前言 短程战术导弹的制导律成为人们热衷研究的课题已有了三十五年多的历史了,有关导弹制导的分析研究和实现的文章可追溯到本世纪四十年代。因此,文献中有关制导方面的