病毒和弓形体目前认为影响胎儿正常发育的病毒有风疹、巨细胞病毒、单纯疱疹、流感、腮腺炎、水痘天花、肝炎、脊髓灰质炎、柯萨奇B(Coxsakie B)、西部马脑炎、委内瑞拉马脑炎等12种病毒。继Gregg发现风疹致胎儿畸形以后,世界各地相继发现风疹病毒对胎儿的危害。一般认为妊娠初3月感染风疹病毒给胎儿造成先天性白内障、心脏畸形和耳聋为主的先天性风疹综合征。1964年美国的一次风疹大流行后,被感染的新生儿有红斑、血小板减
Viral and Toxoplasmosis Currently, the viruses that affect normal fetal development are rubella, cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex, influenza, mumps, varicella-minor, hepatitis, poliomyelitis, Coxsakie B, western equine encephalitis, Venezuelan equine encephalitis and other 12 kinds of viruses. Following Gregg’s discovery that the rubella causes fetal malformations, rubella viruses have been found to be harmful to the fetus around the world. Is generally believed that the first trimester of pregnancy infected with rubella virus to the fetus caused by congenital cataract, heart deformity and deafness-based congenital rubella syndrome. After a rubella pandemic in the United States in 1964, newborns infected with erythema, thrombocytopenia