Organic Geochemistry Characteristics in Ores and Host Rocks from Qixiashan Lead-Zinc Deposit, Nanj

来源 :Journal of China University of Geosciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kmweiran
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Organic matter, associated with ores, host rocks, ore source rocks and present in fluid inclusions in the Qixiashan lead zinc polymetallic deposit hosted in Upper Carboniferous dolomites and limestones in East China, was systematically analyzed using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, gas chromatography (GC), GC/mass spectrometry and proton induced X ray emission. The biomarker ratios of n C - 21 / n C + 22 alkanes, C 23 tricyclic/C 30 hopane and the tricyclic terpane parameters including C 21 /C 23 , C 19-20 /C 21-29 and C 19-25 /C 26-29 can effectively discriminate ores from host rocks. Extractable organic matter present in fluid inclusions displays similarities to those enclosed in the ore source rocks in the biomarker ratios, suggesting that a proportion of organic matter was introduced into the deposit from the ore source strata. The presence of copper and zinc in stage Ⅱ pyrobitumen indicates that some metals may have been transported by an organic fluid or removed from an aqueous fluid by organic matter. Organic matter, associated with ores, host rocks, ore source rocks and present in fluid inclusions in the Qixiashan lead zinc polymetallic deposit hosted in Upper Carboniferous dolomites and limestones in East China, was systematically analyzed using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, gas chromatography (GC) , GC / mass spectrometry and proton induced X ray emission. The biomarker ratios of n C - 21 / n C + 22 alkanes, C 23 tricyclic / C 30 hopane and the tricyclic terpane parameters including C 21 / C 23, C 19-20 / C 21-29 and C 19-25 / C 26-29 can effectively discriminate ores from host rocks. Extractable organic matter present in fluid inclusions displays similar similar to those enclosed in the ore source rocks in the biomarker ratios, suggesting that a proportion of organic matter was introduced into the deposit from the ore source strata. The presence of copper and zinc in stage Ⅱ pyrobitumen indicates that some metals may have been transported by an organic fluid or removed from an aqueous fluid by organic matter.
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