The efficient utilization of solar energy through photocatalysis is ideal for solving environmental issues and the devel......
近些年,伴随我国科学技术不断的向前发展,固体废物也在逐渐的增加,这对于生态环境保护等方面也都会造成负面影响。“,”in recent yea......
Land filling is the main method to dispose municipal solid waste in China.During the decomposition of organic waste in l......
【正】 The problem of energy and environ-ment related to energy has become aworldwide focus of attention in recentyears.......
【正】 On Sept 12th,2003,the State Environmen-tal Protection Administration issued the17th order-"Environment al Adminis......
【正】 The global economy has increased rapidly in recent years,and energy issues and environ-mental problems are promin......
【正】 To complete the statistics,monitoring andassessment systems for pollutants emission reduction and improve the env......
The expansion project at Tongling NonferrousMetals Group Co.will help boost its copperproduction capacity to 310,000 to......
Aluminium producers in China are still activelyseeking for smelting capacity expansions inorder to meet the growing mar......
The research on the present situation of soil and water development and utilization in Shiyang River Basin shows that wa......
Le granite du massif de Guéret contient fréquement des enclaves,mais dans les autres roches ignées,on rencontre auss......
LOCATED in southwesternShanghai, the ShanghaiMinhang Economic &TechnologicalDevelopment Zone hasemerged as a superior d......
A l’automne du 1933,aussitt que je suis venu à Pékin,le docteurWong,directeur de notre Service,a très aimablement o......
Le beau marbre qui entre dans une si grande proportion dans la construction des palais et des monuments a Peking vient ......
Ces grottes sont situees dans la montage de Shang Fang Shan (上山) dans la sous-prefecture de Fang Shan Hsien, (房山縣)......
81 .Le tunnel creusésous la Manche esta) routier .b) ferroviaire .c) mixte .82 .L opération d aménagement Seine rive ......
IT has become an urgent subject with the wider application of REE to study the effects of REE on environ- ment and huma......
REVIEWING the history of the geology of mineral deposits, we may find that in the first fifty years of thetwentieth cen......
Les cellules-souches embryonnaires sont des cellules qui se forment dans un embryon quelques jours après la fécondatio......
Le Flambeau olympique est une belle et fière illustration de la culture traditionnelle chinoise et des capacités techn......
Comme Galilée 250 ans plus tt, Charles Darwin (Grande-Bretagne, 1809-1882) est à l’origine d’une des grandes révo......
La France produit environ 350 variétés de fromages, dont certains ont une réputation mondiale. Cela aurait fait dire ......
On April 11th,the National Development and Reform Commis-sion announced on its website the state has approved the envir......
Caprolactam is an important organic rawmaterial.It is mainly used in the produc-tion of nylon 6 engineering plastics an......
Multi-proxy evidence for late Pleistocene-Holocene environ-mental change in arid Central Asia: An ov
This special issue of Chinese Science Bulletin arose from a symposium entitled 揂brupt EnvironmentalChanges in Arid Asia......
A carbon- and oxygen-isotope record of recent environ- mental change from Qinghai Lake, NE Tibetan P
A c. 300-year oxygen and carbon isotope record derived from fine-grained and ostracod carbonate from Qinghai Lake testif......
The effect of hazard was determined by the dangerous degree of hazard factor—environment and the vulnerable degree of s......
Thirteen years have elapsed and time has proven Deng Xiaoping’s political farsightedness. Under the guidance of CPC’s......
Très souvent, on cite le nom de Bruxelles dans la presse internationale mais si, l’étranger, on interrogeait les g......
Forest structure of a maple old-growth stand: a case study on the Apennines mountains(Southern Italy
In Europe, very small forest areas can be considered to be old-growth, and they are mainly located in Eastern Europe. Th......
We have been covering Xigaze over the past 15 years since the commencement ofChina’s Tibet. Through these reports we t......
Development of a quantitative understanding of soil organic carbon (SOC) dynamics is vital for management of soil to seq......
To reach the country’s goal of initiallyestablishing the modern enterprise systemat the end of this century for most l......
Relating soil moisture and air temperature to evapotranspiration fluxes during inter-storm periods a
The assessment of the water losses by actual evapotranspiration plays a very important role in water resources managemen......
An island the size of Hawaii made entirely from plastic bottles could become the hottest postcode on earth, and an unbel......
Prof.Shen Wenqing,Vice President of NSFC,met with a Swiss science delegation led by Prof.Dieter Im- boden,President of S......
Urban energy planning is aimed at formulating an urban energy development strategy in order to ensure adequate and stab......
Empirical Research on the Relationship between Best Corporation Practices and Environmental Performa
Is the adoption of best practice in business associated with improved environmental performance? And whatmethods can be ......
The Seventy of Environmental Problems ofMetropolis in Developing CountriesSince the human society entered by the era of......