鸡叫头遍,彭大中摇了摇石麦娃说,快起来,赶在生产队上工之前往自留地里拉几趟粪。 彭大中只有三分自留地,在堡子南头的高崖上,全凭雨水吃饭。水浇地都是生产队的,坡坡埝埝分给了社员。尻子大一片地,彭大中却看得比金豆值钱。和别人的地畔子,他是用尺子量来量去才定了界,大中心细,这块地刚分了给他时,是一片酸枣树和臭蒿根。两天时间,掘地三尺,把石头瓦片、枣刺蒿根就清理完了。
Screaming over the poultry, Peng Dazhong shook Stone Mauva said, get up and rush to catch a few trips to the private plots before leaving the production team. Peng Dazhong only three points to retain land, in the south of Baogao high cliffs, full of rain to eat. Irrigated land is the production team, sloping hillside points to the members. Bangzi big one, Peng Dazhong saw more than gold money. And others to the bank, he is the amount of ruler to set the volume to the world, the center of fine, this piece of land just to him, is a jujube tree and smelly roots. Two days, dig three feet, the stone tiles, jujube stems root clean up.