1 前言我国从江河捕捞草鱼、青鱼、鲢、鳙等四大家鱼鱼苗放养塘、湖的历史已有1350多年(唐朝永徽2年,公元651年),最早记述珠江鲢、鳙、鲮产卵场的有清代屈大均《广东新语》(公元1700年)。现代关于经济鱼类产卵场的调查始于1935年陈椿寿、林书颜的《中国鱼苗志》,阐述了珠江(西江)、长江的鱼苗出处,也即大致的产卵场所在地。20世纪50年代以来,国家决定兴建长江葛洲坝副坝和三峡大坝。那么,当时的经济鱼类,尤以四大家鱼的资源状况如何?产卵场的位置、成色与规模怎样?成为人们极其关注的
1 Foreword In our country, grass carp, grass carp, silver carp and bighead fish fry are stocked in ponds and lakes for over 1,350 years (2 years in the Tang Dynasty and 651 years in the Tang Dynasty). The earliest records of the silver carp, There are Qu Qing Dynasty “Cantonese” (AD 1700). The modern survey of economic fish spawning grounds began in 1935 with Chen Chun-shou and Lin Shu-yan’s “Chinese Fishes and Miao”, setting out the origins of the fry in the Pearl River (Xijiang River) and the Yangtze River, ie roughly where the spawning grounds are located. Since the 1950s, the state has decided to construct the Gezhouba Dam and the Three Gorges Dam in the Yangtze River. So, at the time of the economic fish, especially the status of the four major domestic fish resources? Spawning ground location, quality and scale? Become the people of great concern