10月28日,太仓浏河渔港热闹非凡,苏州海宏远洋渔业有限公司两艘远洋鱿钓“苏远渔815”、“苏远渔816”渔船,启锚出航赴西南大西洋开展远洋捕捞作业。 自2000年起,苏州海宏公司致力开拓海外市场,曾三次远航,前往西南大西洋阿根廷附近公海进行鱿钓捕捞。去年其中一艘渔船还进入当地福克兰200海里经济专属区作业。今年7月第三次载誉归来的两艘出征渔船,共捕捞鱿鱼
On October 28, there was a lively fishing port in Taicang’s Liuhe River. Two ocean-going squid fishing vessels, “Suyuan Fishing 815” and “Suyuan Fishing 816”, were set sail for the offshore fishing operations in the Southwest Atlantic. Since 2000, Suzhou Haihong company is committed to exploring overseas markets, has three voyage, to the Southwest Atlantic Argentina squid fishing near the open sea. Last year, one of the fishing boats also entered the local Falkland economy 200 nautical miles operation. In July this year, the two returned to Hong Kong for the third time fishing vessels were fishing squid