4.6 季节与事故的关系桥式起重机作业人员的死亡事故。高峰在7月份,22起,10月份次之,79起,其余月份偏差不大。下半年(99起,59.6%)比上半年(67起。40.4%)事故率高,1.5倍;7月份为多发月份.夏季,冶金工厂的高温作业环境使误操作率大幅度增加。炎热的作业环境是7月份比其他月份事故率高的根本原因.入冬后,作业人员一时不太适应换装后带来的笨重和冰冻带来的作业环境的突变,造成行动迟钝(?)失误率增加。一个炎热的作业环境,一
4.6 Relationship between seasons and accidents Deaths of overhead crane workers. The peaks were in July, 22, followed by 79 in October, with little deviation in the remaining months. In the second half of the year (99, 59.6%), the accident rate was 1.5 times higher than that of the first half of the year (67.40.4%); and in July, it was a multiple month. In summer, the operating environment at metallurgical plants caused a large increase in misuse rate. The hot working environment is the root cause of the higher accident rate in July than in other months.After winter, the workers do not adapt to sudden change of working environment caused by cumbersome and freezing caused by the replacement, The error rate increased. A hot work environment, one