党旗红 企业兴——新疆如意纺织服装有限公司党建工作探析

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今年以来,新疆如意纺织服装有限公司党委结合企业实际,以“两学一做”学习教育为契机,以“学习、模范、阵地、活动、制度、考核”为抓手,加强党组织自身建设,实现了党建工作与企业经济发展同促进目标。一、抓学习,巩固党建组织思想基础公司党委紧紧围绕企业生产和党建工作方向,将处理好工作、学习矛盾作为突破口,切实将“两学一做”学习教育落到实处。企业党委书记带领14位基层党组织书记全程参加 Since the beginning of this year, the party committee of Xinjiang Ruyi Textile & Garment Co., Ltd. has taken the opportunity of “one study, two models and one education” as a turning point, combined with the actual conditions of the enterprise, with the emphasis on “learning, model, position, activity, system and assessment” Organize itself to build and achieve the goal of party building work and economic development with the promotion. I. Grasping Learning and Consolidating the Ideological Basis of the Party Building Organization The party committee of the Company closely follows the production and party building work direction of the enterprises and takes the proper handling of the work and study of the contradictions as the breakthrough point so as to effectively carry out the study and education of “two studies and one education”. The party secretary of the enterprise led the secretary of the 14 grassroots party organizations throughout the trip
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