Cross-layer efforts for energy-efficient computing:towards peta operations per second per watt

来源 :信息与电子工程前沿(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:z325z0
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As Moore’s law based device scaling and accompanying performance scaling trends are slowing down,there is increasing interest in new technologies and computational models for fast and more energy-efficient information processing.Meanwhile,there is growing evidence that,with respect to traditional Boolean circuits and von Neumann processors,it will be challenging for beyond-CMOS devices to compete with the CMOS technology.Exploiting unique characteristics of emerging devices,especially in the context of altative circuit and architectural paradigms,has the potential to offer orders of magnitude improvement in terms of power,performance,and capability.To take full advantage of beyond-CMOS devices,cross-layer efforts spanning from devices to circuits to architectures to algorithms are indispensable.This study examines energy-efficient neural network accelerators for embedded applications in this context.Several deep neural network accelerator designs based on cross-layer efforts spanning from altative device technologies,circuit styles,to architectures are highlighted.Application-level benchmarking studies are presented.The discussions demonstrate that cross-layer efforts indeed can lead to orders of magnitude gain towards achieving extreme-scale energy-efficient processing.
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With various exascale systems in different countries planned over the next three to five years,developing application software for such unprecedented computing
小麦(Triticum aestivumL.)是世界上最重要的粮食作物之一,为提高小麦产量,化肥施用量逐年递增,导致环境污染、土壤性质改变。因此如何提高肥料利用率,减少养分损失、降低污染,越来越受到人们的关注。缓控释肥作为一种新型肥料,其肥料在土壤中释放速率与作物养分吸收一致,对小麦产量和肥料利用率有重要影响。本研究以扬麦13为材料,在大田条件下,研究了缓控释肥对小麦生长、产量、品质及肥料利用效率
油菜是我国一种主要的油料作物,其种植面积达6.0×10~6hm~2,每年生产菜油300~350万吨,产量及播种面积均位居世界第一位。预计在近几年内其种植面积可能达到7.0×10~6 hm~2。目前,开展优质杂交种的选育已经成为油菜育种的主攻方向。育种材料的遗传多样性对于能否选育出符合育种目标的优质杂交种起着重要的作用。分子标记在育种上的广泛应用为广大育种工作者了解育种材料的遗传背景、选择最佳亲本配
作物遗传育种依赖于新基因的发扬和利用,其中基因定位和紧密连锁的分子标记筛选 ,将有助于拓宽基因资源,加速育种进程和提高育种效率.该研究应用分子标记结合 群分法,对三个