近代以前,中国画中的红色主要用于人物与花鸟题材,在勾勒、渲染、敷色之余有映衬、烘托之功。其间,或随类赋彩,或因画脉略作增补,并无深意。到清末民初,若干画家受西画及民间绘画影响,在山水画中红色的使用上有所突破。新中国成立后, 一批优秀的山水画家,在红色调的运用方面进行了大胆尝试,既因应了表达时代精神的需要,又创造了一套有表现力的造型语言,为中国山水画的发展开辟了新的道路。其绩可嘉,其影响至今犹存。
In modern times, the red color in Chinese painting was mainly used for the characters and birds and flowers. In the meantime, or with the class color, or a slight increase because of arteries, there is no deep meaning. By the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China, some painters were influenced by the Western paintings and folk paintings, making breakthroughs in the use of red color in landscape painting. After the founding of new China, a group of outstanding landscape painters made bold attempts to use red tones. They not only responded to the need of expressing the spirit of the times, but also created a set of expressive modeling language that opened up the development of Chinese landscape painting A new way The result is commendable, whose impact still exists.