《牛郎织女笑开颜》是一出新神话剧。作为一个普通读者,对这出戏有一些意见,现在提出来,希望得到教正。《牛郎织女笑开颜》是否很好地表现了当代人民的意志与理想? 《牛郎织女笑开颜》一剧,按作者的主观意图,是想通过人神斗争的形式来表现当代人民群众的英雄气概的。作者金芝同志说: 在主题思想上,我一开始仅以歌颂抗旱英雄为主。人和神权的斗争,只局限在车乾天河,牛郎织女会面而止。这时人民的意志还表现的很不充分,没有
“The Cowherd and Weaver Girl laugh and open up” is a new myth drama. As an ordinary reader, I have some opinions on this play. I now put forward my hope of being corrected. According to the author’s subjective intention, the author tries to express the heroic spirit of contemporary people through the struggle between man and god. Author Jin Zhi comrades said: In the theme of thinking, I started with the solemn praise of drought hero. The struggle between the people and the theocracy is confined to the Tianhe dry car, Cowherd and Weaver meet. At this time, the will of the people still shows very inadequate