In a series of previous columns, “Japan’s New Tests,” we introduced Japan’s move to reforming the commercial law, allowing companies to abandon the traditional system of corporate supervisors, and moving toward an American-style board system. Towards the end of this series of Japan series, I think it is still necessary for us to make a more in-depth discussion on this “new form” governance structure created by Japan. In fact, just as Japan gave the new form company a new name, the “committee system”, this new form of corporate governance is in line with the traditional Japanese enterprise form and the American and German form of the enterprise form Are different. Therefore, we can regard Japan’s committee system as the result of the marriage of the Japanese-American corporate governance structure. Unlike the Japanese traditional system, the same as the American enterprise system, the committee system should establish audit, remuneration and nomination on its board of directors And other three committees; which originated from the independent reform of the Japanese enterprise system and the difference with the American enterprise system is that the commission-based companies should establish a statutory system of executive officers.