有关水稻亲本品种的聚类分析及其在常规育种中应用的报道甚少。本文试图从近年太湖流域常用的水稻亲本,根据其同产量关系密切的七个主要农艺性状进行聚类分析,以探讨水稻品种的数量分类,为正确选配亲本提供依据。 材料和方法 1980—1982年采用了60个水稻品种(系),包括国外引进品种(桂花黄、筑紫晴、美国稻1号)、江苏省大面积推广的良种(苏粳2号、昆稻2号、早单八、东亭3号、紫金糯)、太湖流域地方品种(苏御糯)和从浙江省引进的抗稻瘟病性好、熟色理想、米质佳的良种(测21、测24)等品种(系),进行测定试验。小区行长3米,7行区,株行距4×5寸~2,重复三次,随机区组设计。每小区取样5—10株,室内考种。取1982年60个太湖流域常用杂交亲本品种(系)的七个主要农艺性状进行多元的、系统的数量聚类分析。 根据Sneath和Sokal(1973)提出的性状的数量系统聚类分析步骤:(1)选择指标性状;(2)计算相似数;(3)聚类分析;(4)判别,进行分析。
Clustering analysis of rice parental varieties and its application in routine breeding is poorly understood. This paper attempts to cluster analysis of seven main agronomic traits which are closely related to yield in order to explore the quantitative classification of rice varieties from the common rice parents in the Taihu Lake basin in recent years and provide the basis for the correct selection of parents. MATERIALS AND METHODS Sixty rice cultivars (lines) were used in 1980-1982, including imported varieties (sweet-scented osmanthus, Chrysanthemum indica, Americana 1), large-scale popularized varieties in Jiangsu Province (Sujing No.2, No. 8, Dongting No.3 and Zijinnuo), the local cultivars of the Taihu Lake Basin (Suyu Nuo) and the good varieties with good resistance to rice blast and perfect ripe color introduced from Zhejiang Province 24) and other varieties (lines), the determination of test. District president 3 meters, 7 lines, spacing of 4 × 5 inches ~ 2 lines, repeated three times, randomized block design. 5-10 samples per plot, indoor test species. Seven major agronomic traits of 60 hybrid parents (lines) commonly used in 60 Taihu Lake valleys in 1982 were clustered quantitatively and systematically. According to Sneath and Sokal (1973), the number of traits proposed by cluster analysis method is as follows: (1) Selection of trait traits; (2) Calculation of similarity; (3) Cluster analysis; (4) Discrimination and analysis.