霍尔考比·洛克自己恐怕都没有想到,这个地方会发展成为今天这样。 他改造的这个公园数十年前还只是一块垃圾之地,风一刮垃圾遍野,但现在洛克公园成为世界街头篮球的传奇赛地。1965年,洛克先生 纽约公园市政处的一位工人,把他的街头篮球联赛搬到Harelem第155号大街的公园露天场地,现在这所公园理所当然地被称为霍尔考比·洛克公园 到了70年代,洛克公园成为街头篮球的麦加之地,有太多才华洋溢的顶级职业球员,其中包括威尔特·张伯伦、康尼·霍金斯、贾巴尔,都来到这里和纽约街头最伟大的运动员过招,并不是夸张,如果你赶得巧生逢其世,你能看上一场“J博士”欧文和乔·霍蒙德的“街头斗牛”,霍蒙德可是纽约街头的大人物,有“摧毁者”美誉,他从来没有在高中或者大学篮球队打过一分钟的比赛。 洛克公园亲职业篮球的情结现在一如既往地强烈:上个月,科比·
Holcobi Locke probably did not think of myself, this place will develop into today. He rebuilt the park a few decades ago, just a piece of land, the wind a scraping trash, but now Lockerb Park became the world’s legendary street basketball. In 1965, a worker at Locke’s New York City Park Service moved his basketball basketball league to Park’s open-air park on Harelem Street 155, which is now rightly known as Holbrook Locke Park to 70 In the 1950s, Lockerbie became a street basketball Mecca, with too many talented top players, including Wilt Chamberlain, Connery Hawkins, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and all the great New York street athletes It’s not an exaggeration to say that if you catch up with life, you can admire the “street bull” of Dr. J Owen and Joe Howmond, who is a street figure in New York with “ Destroyer ”reputation, he has never played in the high school or college basketball team a minute. Locke Park pro basketball profession complex now, as always strong: last month, Bryant