Feature selection (FS) refers to the process of selecting those input attributes that are most predictive of a given outcome.Unlike other dimensionality reduction methods, feature selectors preserve the original meaning of the features after reduction.The benefits of FS are twofold: it considerably decreases the running time of the induction algorithm, and increases the accuracy of the resulting model.This paper analyses the FS process in mammogram classification using fuzzy logic and rough set theory.Rough set and fuzzy logic based Quickreduct algorithms are applied for the FS from the features extracted using gray level co-occurence matrix (GLCM)constructed over the mammogram region.The predictive accuracy of the features is tested using NaiveBayes, Ripper, C4.5, and ant-miner algorithms.The results show that the ant-miner produces significant result comparing with others and the number of features selected using fuzzy-rough quick reduct algorithm is minimum, too.