
来源 :中学语文教学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liuyi8431201
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自2004年开福区参加首届新中考,到2006年全市整体进入新中考,长沙市对中考改革进行了许多有益的探索。从今年试卷看,它较好地体现了语文是“生活的语文”“生命的语文”“生态的语文”三大特点,对加强语文教学,促进课程改革有很强的指导性。一、生活的语文贴近社会生活,关注社 Since Kaifu District participated in the first new middle school exam in 2004 and the entire city entered the new middle school entrance examination in 2006, Changsha City has conducted many beneficial explorations on the reform of the entrance examination. From this year’s test paper, it is a good example of the three major characteristics of Chinese as “the language of life,” “the language of life,” and “the language of ecology.” It has strong guidance for strengthening Chinese teaching and promoting curriculum reform. First, the language of life is close to social life, and the society is concerned