Determination of Ursolic Acid and Oleanolic Acid Contents in Kuding Tea of Aquifoliaceae

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[Objective] The research aimed at determining the contents of ursolic acid and oleanolic acid in different species and different origins of Kuding tea and providing basic data for the industrialization development of ursolic acid.[Method] The contents of ursolic acid and oleanolic acid in functional leaves from 6 species of Kuding tea in Aquifoliaceae and 4 kinds of the commercial Ilex kudingcha C.J.Tseng shoots were determined by high performance liquid chromatography(HPLC).The chromatographic conditions were as follows:Eclipse XDB-C18 column(5 μm,4.6 mm×150 mm),mobile phases of methanol-0.2% aqueous solution of phosphoric acid(v:v=88:12),detection wavelength of 220 nm,flow rate of 0.8 ml/min,column temperature of 35 ℃ and injection volume of 20 μl.[Result] The contents of ursolic acid from 6 species of Kuding tea in Aquifoliaceae were as follows:I.cornuta Lindl.(1.64%)>I.huoshanesis Y.H.He(1.63%)>I.latifolia Thunb.(1.54%)>I.pentagona S.K.Chen,Y.X.Feng et C.F.Liang(1.23%)>I.kudingcha C.J.Tseng(0.96%)>I.centrochinesis X.Y.Hu(0.69%)>the shoots of Ilex kudingcha C.J.Tseng(<0.28%).The contents of oleanolic acid from 6 species of Kuding tea in Aquifoliaceae were as follows:I.latifolia Thunb.(0.22%)>I.huoshanesis Y.H.He(0.18%)>I.cornuta Lindl.(0.17%)>I.pentagona S.K.Chen,Y.X.Feng et C.F.Liang(0.14%)>I.kudingcha C.J.Tseng(<0.12%)>I.centrochinesis X.Y.Hu(0.1%)>the shoots of Ilex kudingcha C.J.Tseng(0).[Conclusion] The determination results were favorable for the selection of suitable materials for the processing of ursolic acid. [Objective] The research aimed at determining the contents of ursolic acid and oleanolic acid in different species and different origins of Kuding tea and providing basic data for the industrialization development of ursolic acid. [Method] The contents of ursolic acid and oleanolic acid in functional leaves from 6 species of Kuding tea in Aquifoliaceae and 4 kinds of commercial Ilex kudingcha CJTseng shoots were determined by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The chromatographic conditions were as follows: Eclipse XDB-C18 column (5 μm, 4.6 mm × 150 mm), mobile phases of methanol-0.2% aqueous solution of phosphoric acid (v: v = 88:12), detection wavelength of 220 nm, flow rate of 0.8 ml / min, l. Result of the contents of ursolic acid from 6 species of Kuding tea in Aquifoliaceae were as follows: I.cornuta Lindl. (1.64%)> I.huoshanesis YHHe (1.63%)> I.latifolia Thunb. (1.54% )> I. Pegagona SK Chen, YX Feng and CF Liang (1.23%)> I. kudin The contents of oleanolic acid from 6 species of Kuding tea in Aquifoliaceae were as follows: I. The contents of oleanolic acid from 6 species of Kuding tea in Aquifoliaceae were: (0.22%)> I.huoshanesis YHHe (0.18%)> I.cornuta Lindl. (0.17%)> I.pentagona SKChen, YXFeng et CFLiang (0.14%)> I.kudingcha CJTseng ( <0.12%)> I. centrochinesis XYHu (0.1%)> the shoots of Ilex kudingcha CJTseng (0). [Conclusion] The determination results were favorable for the selection of suitable materials for the processing of ursolic acid.
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