原发性阴茎恶性黑色素瘤(maligment melanoma,MM)临床罕见,以往文献报道该病恶性程度高、预后差。而本例患者发现阴茎黑色肿物约12年,病理确诊约8年,未经任何治疗,肿瘤却无明显进展,作者未查阅到类似文献报道。1病历摘要患者,男,76岁,2003年无意发现阴茎龟头背侧约2 mm×3 mm大小黑色痣样物,因无临床症状,未诊疗。2007年5月,患者因双侧阴囊鞘膜积液来我院就诊住院治疗,住院期间查体发现龟头背侧片状不规则黑色皮损约1 cm×2 cm大小、无隆起,给予病理检查,后经山东大学附属省立医院病理科进一步免疫组化检查确诊为恶性黑色素瘤。根据吴阶平
Primary malignant melanoma (maligment melanoma, MM) clinically rare, the literature reported in the past the high degree of malignancy, the prognosis is poor. The patients found penis black tumor about 12 years, pathological diagnosis of about 8 years, without any treatment, no significant tumor progression, the authors did not refer to a similar literature. 1 patient summary of the patient, male, 76 years old, 2003 was not intended to find the dorsal penis penis size of about 2 mm × 3 mm black mole samples, because no clinical symptoms, not diagnosed. May 2007, patients with bilateral scrotal hydrocele to our hospital for treatment, during hospital examination found glaucomatous flaky irregular black lesions about 1 cm × 2 cm size, no uplift, given pathological examination , After the Provincial Hospital of Shandong University Pathology further immunohistochemical diagnosis of malignant melanoma. According to Wu Jieping