2000作为一个特定的符号,为我们所记住并将归于永恒。时间因其包涵的内容不同而富于弹性;同时也因内容的不断更新而变得生动。人类的历史也随着变化和日益更新而为我们所接受和期待。变化和创新成为时代的必然选择。 改版后的《商业文化》杂志;恰好在这一看似特殊其实本
2000 as a specific symbol, for us to remember and will be at eternity. Time is flexible because of the content it contains; it is also vivid by the constant updating of content. The history of mankind is also accepted and looked upon by us as the changes and the ever-newer. Change and innovation have become the inevitable choice of the times. The revised “Business Culture” magazine; happens to be a special case of this