馆陶县翟庄村的一些蔬菜生产专业户,在大棚内间套黄瓜、西葫芦和羊角椒,实现了大棚蔬菜周年生产,平均亩产黄瓜6000公斤、西葫芦10000公斤,羊角椒2500公斤,亩纯收入达12750元。主要做法是: 一、选用优种 黄瓜选用丰产抗病的新泰密剌、津杂2号;西葫芦选用的是早青一代优种;羊角椒为保加利亚椒。 二、精细整地 亩施优质腐熟鸡粪5—7方,磷酸二铵100公斤,造墒后深耕深翻,精细耙耢后起
Cuitao County, Zhai Zhuang some vegetable production households, in the greenhouse between sets of cucumbers, zucchini and peppercorns, to achieve annual production of greenhouse vegetables, the average yield of 6000 kg of cucumber, zucchini 10,000 kg, 2,500 tons of pepper, net income of up to 12,750 yuan. The main approach is: First, the selection of superior cucumber selection of high yield and disease resistance Xintai Mi assassination, Zinc hybrid 2; Zucchini selection is the early generation of superior genus; peppercorns Bulgarian pepper. Second, fine land preparation Mushi high-quality rotten chicken manure 5-7 square, 100 kg of diammonium phosphate, deep-plowing after making deep plowing, fine rake 耢 later