Facebook的創始人兼首席执行官马克·扎克伯格被冠以“第二盖茨”的美誉,而且也可以说是哈佛最成功的肄业生之一。今年5月25日,扎克伯格在辍学13年后终于回到母校哈佛大学,并被授予荣誉法学博士学位。在随后的演讲中,他恳切地表达了对母校的感激之情,并说:如果没有当初的使命感,就不会有今天的一切……衡量一个社会的进步也不能只看GDP,而要看有多少人生活得有意义。 Mark Zuckerberg’s
It is time to question an accepted social practice that is in fact quite unacceptable, and in our time more than repellent. Why is a woman expected to change her name when she marries? Historically,
Shannon and Christine were backpacking across Ireland. The two young women had a wonderful time in Northern Ireland, despite the political upheaval there, then went south entering the Republic of Irel
Owning her own home was never a dream for Lyndsey Yates. The freelance graphic designer and her partner Mark, a web designer, have always hankered after something more flexible, more exotic.1 “When w
在中文里,排比是三个或三个以上结构相同或相似、内容相关、语气一致的短语或句子排列在一起,用来加强语势、强调内容、加重感情的修辞方式。例如: 如果你想知道什么叫汪洋恣肆,就该读庄子的《逍遥游》;如果你想知道什么叫沉郁顿挫,就该读杜甫的《三吏》、《三别》;如果你想知道什么叫旷达豪放,就该读苏轼的《赤壁赋》。 在英文中,排比(parallelism)是一种简洁明快的修辞手段,能够提高语言的表达能力。
Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet 是美國作家Jamie Ford(杰米·福特)写的第一本小说,使他一举成名。这本书被翻译成35种语言,在全球各地都受到了好评。Jamie 其他的作品还有Songs of Willow Frost和 Love and Other Consolation Prizes等。 在本书的开头,美籍华裔男孩Henry在Panama
About 50 years ago, President Lyndon B. Johnson1 made a move that was unprecedented at the time and remains unmatched by succeeding administrations. He announced a War on Poverty, saying that its “chi