第一次录取考试 皇家芭蕾舞蹈学校,每年秋季以十岁儿童为重点进行招生考试,从中选拔十一岁时可以入初等学部的新生。适龄儿童谁都可以应试,从未学过芭蕾的也没关系。在男孩合格者中,只学过一点儿踢踏舞或器械体操而从未学过芭蕾的占多数。 对于主考教师来说,应试者过去在什么芭蕾舞考试中是否合格过,或在以前的芭蕾舞学校公演时跳过独舞与否,一律不予理睬的。另外,对于皇家芭蕾舞学校附属儿童班的孩子们,也从不给予特
For the first time, the Royal Ballet School of Admission takes the exam. Every fall, ten-year-old children focus on admissions exams, from which eleven-year-old freshmen can be selected. Age-eligible children who can take the exam, never learned ballet it does not matter. Among boys qualified, only a little tap dance or gymnastics have never learned ballet majority. For examiners, whether the candidate passed the ballet exams in the past or whether to skip the solo dance during a performance at a previous ballet school will be ignored. In addition, for the Royal Ballet School children’s class children, never give special