
来源 :China Tibetology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fengraul
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Introduction Tibetan belongs to the Sino-Tibetan language family,but its writing system is based on the ancient Sanskrit of India.Because of its big difference from English which belongs to the Indo-European language family,Tibetan students always encounter a lot of difficulties in learning English both in phonology and grammar.As a Tibetan who is both an English learner and teacher,I have experienced many challenges in learning and teaching English,especially in English grammar.When I was first taught English grammar in Mainland China,my first impression was that the order of an English sentence was Introduction Tibetan belongs to the Sino-Tibetan language family, but its writing system is based on the ancient Sanskrit of India. Because of its big difference from English which belongs to the Indo-European language family, Tibetan students always encounter a lot of difficulties in learning English both in phonology and grammar.As a Tibetan who is both an English learner and teacher, I have experienced many challenges in learning and teaching English, especially in English grammar.When I was first taught English grammar in Mainland China, my first impression was that the order of an English sentence was
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