用电阻应变测试技术测新鲜成年人牙釉质的弹性模量,共测了不同人的12颗牙齿制作的12个牙釉质试件,其中切牙、尖牙、双尖牙和磨牙各3个。测得牙釉质沿牙切龈或(牙合)龈方向的拉伸弹性模量值在2.08×10~4~2.68×10~4MPa 之间,均值为2.3717×10~4MPa。本文同时简略地介绍了电阻应变测试技术的基本原理。
The elastic modulus of fresh enamel was measured by the resistance strain test technique. Twelve specimens of enamel made by different people with 12 teeth were examined, including 3 incisors, canines, bicuspid and molars. Tensile elastic modulus of the tooth enamel along the gingival or occlusal direction was 2.08 × 10 ~ 4 ~ 2.68 × 10 ~ 4MPa with an average of 2.3717 × 10 ~ 4MPa. This article also briefly introduces the basic principle of resistance and strain measurement technology.