回顾人类建筑艺术创作的历史,寻找建筑的形式羹始终是建筑师们执著追求的目标之一,然而,怎样的建筑才是美的?美的标准是什么?迄今为止,似乎没有一个明确而科学的答案。 人们孜孜不倦地研究建筑客体的比例、尺度、韵律、色彩……一句话,一直在客体的建筑上下功夫。然而,一栋被人们评价为美的建筑的真实情况是:人们通过观察客体的建筑物引起了主观审美痞情,于是我们便说,这栋建
Looking back at the history of human architectural art creation, the search for architectural forms has always been one of the architects’ persistent goals. However, what kind of architecture is beautiful? What are the standards of beauty? So far, there does not seem to be a clear and scientific answer. . People are tirelessly studying the proportions, scales, rhythms, and colors of architectural objects. They have been working hard on the construction of objects. However, the real situation of a building that people valued as being beautiful is that people observe subjective aesthetic sentiment by observing the buildings of the object, so we say that this building