我其实是一只长颈鹿城市雕塑仿佛已经成为城市的必要元素之一,街头巷尾,我们见过的城市雕塑多了去啦。可是近日在纽约,出现了一个就连见识多广的清洁工人也不认识的另类雕塑。纽约的艺术家Joshua Allen Harris以环保为概念,将几个黑色垃圾袋为原材料,充气之后,变成了一只昂首挺立的黑色长颈鹿。更妙的是,这只长颈鹿体内的气体不是来自别处,而是通过街道边的通气口,将地铁通过时排出的气流加以利用。但是地铁也有间隔,所以造成的结果是长颈鹿一会儿“嗖”地拔地而起,一会儿又颓然瘫倒在地一瘫倒在地不就是一堆垃圾袋吗?难怪清洁工大哥差一点就要将这位“公益代言”请进垃圾桶了!
I am actually a giraffe city sculpture as if it has become one of the necessary elements of the city, the streets and lanes, we have seen more urban sculpture go. But recently in New York, there was an alternative sculpt that even the most knowledgeable cleaners did not know. New York-based artist Joshua Allen Harris turned green black into a bag of black garbage bags, inflated into a black giraffe that stood upright. Even better, the gas in this giraffe does not come from anywhere else, but it uses the exhaust from the subway as it passes through the vent on the street. However, there are intervals between the subway, so the result is that the giraffe for a while “whiz” to stand up, while another slump collapsed on the ground is not a pile of garbage bag it? No wonder cleaners Brother almost To this “public service endorsement ” Please enter the trash it!