芫荽(yán súi)古称胡荽,俗称香菜。它是伞形科,芫荽属,一二年生草本,香辛叶类蔬菜,以叶及嫩茎供食用。芫荽原产于地中海沿岸及中亚地区。大约在公元前一世纪的西汉时期沿着丝绸之路从中亚传人我国。以前有个传统的说法:由于它是由张骞从胡地携来的,又因其根系柔软,“绥绥然”很像胡须,所以定名为“胡荽”。但是,这不能解释为什么同时又用荽的同音字葰、荾、绥、(?)、(?)和芕等称之。其实,胡荽是根据它那域外名称“koswi”的音译而命名的,其后又因之衍生出一系列的异称。
Coriander (yán súi) The ancient name of cilantro, commonly known as coriander. It is Umbelliferae, coriander, biennial herbs, spices, leafy vegetables, leaves and stems for food. Coriander native to the Mediterranean coast and Central Asia. About a hundred years from the first century BC during the Western Han Dynasty, we came to our country from Central Asia along the Silk Road. In the past, there was a traditional saying: Since it was brought from Zhang Hu by Zhang Qian, and because of its soft roots, “Sui Sui Ran” was like a beard, so it was named “Hu Kui.” However, this does not explain why at the same time they are also called homonyms 葰, 荾, Sui, (?), (?) And 芕. In fact, Hu Kui is named after the transliteration of its extraterrestrial name “koswi” and has since been derived from a series of different claims.