
来源 :内蒙古农牧学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:IamluyundongPPA
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由于计算手段的进步,使多元曲线回归分析应用于肥料效应函数的模拟,并反过来指导施肥已日趋广泛。本专题在进行了多年、多因素胡麻氮肥适量田间试验的基础上,对胡麻氮肥效应函数模式的选择,以及它在确定合理施肥量方面的应用进行了研讨。应用国内外常用的四种模式对多年来取得的二十二组试验结果一一分析后表明,二次函数是胡麻最优的氮肥效应函数模式。其次是二次函数的1.5次方变换式。再次为平方根函数。直钱方程一般不适。本文对二次函数、平方根函数等三种模式的最高产量施肥量、最佳施肥量、施肥上限一一进行了简要的数学推导。以多种条件下氮肥效应函数所确定的合理施肥量为根据,本文就土壤供氮力、磷肥配合水平,灌溉的有无和合理施氮量之间的关系进行了定量的分析和讨论。并着重对胡麻在不同供氮力土壤上的最佳施肥量及有关的经济技术指标的预测预报进行了探讨。提供了一个根据土壤硷解氮含量(或无氮载培时的单产)确定胡麻最佳施肥量及其经济效益的预测预报表。为内蒙古中西部地区水浇地胡麻的氮肥用量提供科学依据,为应用电子计算机指导经济施肥提供、累积必要的数学参数。 Due to advances in calculation methods, multiple regression analysis is applied to the simulation of fertilizer effect functions, which in turn guides the application of fertilizers more and more widely. Based on the multi-year and multi-factor flaxseed fertilizer suitable field experiments, this topic discussed the selection of the flax nitrogen fertilizer function mode and its application in determining the reasonable fertilization amount. Application of the four models commonly used at home and abroad on the results obtained over the years twenty-two group of one by one analysis showed that the second function is flax optimal nitrogen fertilizer function mode. Followed by the 1.5 times the quadratic function transformation. Again for the square root function. Straight money equation is generally not suitable. In this paper, the quadratic function, the square root function of the three models of the highest yield fertilization, the best fertilization, fertilization limit one by one a brief mathematical derivation. Based on the reasonable fertilization amount determined by the nitrogen fertilizer effect function under various conditions, this paper quantitatively analyzed and discussed the relationship between soil nitrogen supply, phosphate fertilizer level, irrigated water supply and reasonable nitrogen application rate. And focused on the flax in different soil nitrogen for the best amount of fertilizer and related economic and technical indicators of the forecast were discussed. A predictive forecast is provided to determine the optimum amount of fertilizer for flax and its economic benefits based on the content of soil available nitrogen (or yield per unit of nitrogen-free). Provide a scientific basis for the amount of nitrogen fertilizer for irrigated flax in central and western Inner Mongolia, and provide necessary mathematical parameters for application of electronic computer to guide economic fertilization.
商业模式(Business Model)的概念早在20世纪50年代就被提出,不过直到40年后该词才流行开来。严格的说,商业模式有狭义和广义之分。狭义的商业模式又称为盈利模式,广义的商业