Aiming at the phase drift and intercept - reissue attack existing in phase - coded quantum key distribution (QKD) system, the double Mach - Zehnder interferometer QKD system is analyzed. The input signal model of the detector is given and the system quantum error Rate and eavesdropping information, and to improve the key generation rate provides a possible method. The research shows that the phase error can increase the bit error rate and decrease the stability of the system. Compared with the ideal intercept-retransmission attack, the amount of eavesdropping information decreases. Therefore, the estimation of eavesdropping information can be reduced relatively in the process of dense amplification, The final key generation rate is increased. When the relative phase shift in transmission fiber is not considered, the bit error rate changes cosine with the phase shift angle, and all the interception - the cycle of retransmission attack is half of that without tapping, and the frequency of change is more severe. 55% partial eavesdropping, eavesdroppers get 25.5% of the amount of information is not found if the legitimate communicator chooses to 15% error threshold.