按照事先的约定,笔者最近到大连市财政局走访了田欣毅局长。在作了简短的叙谈之后,就话入正题,笔者向田局长提出:“1986年4月,大连市对专项资金实行追踪反馈责任制之后,一些报刊作了报道,请问,你们是怎样想起搞‘专项资金追踪反馈责任制’的?” 田局长说:1984年我们在基层搞调查时发现,一些单位以种种名义领到的专项拨款,任意挪用,有的甚至弄虚作假,把预算内资金转为预算外资金;有的拿专项拨款买了一些设备,
In accordance with the prior agreement, I recently visited the Bureau of Finance Dalian Tianxin Yi Secretary. After making a brief talk, I turned to Mr. Tian: “In April 1986, Dalian City reported follow-up responsibility system for special funds. Some newspapers reported that, how do you think of it? ’Special fund tracking feedback responsibility system’? ”Tian said: In 1984, when we carried out an investigation at the grassroots level, we found that some units received arbitrarily appropriated special appropriations in all kinds of names, and some even used falsifications to turn the funds within the budget into For extrabudgetary funds; some get a special appropriation to buy some equipment,