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近年来,大学英语教育在不断的进行改革,以学生为主体的互动式的教学模式已逐步深入到大学英语课堂。如今,大学生的网络学习资源越来越丰富,对英语教师和英语课的期望也越来越大,如若教师不能根据大学生活泼有创造力等特点积极的进行课堂设计和教学改革,学生就有可能失去学习的兴趣与动力。在英语教学中为了提高学生学习的主动性与积极性,教师们想方设法的在课堂上开展一系列的教学活动。以 In recent years, college English education is constantly undergoing reforms. The interactive teaching mode with students as the mainstay has been gradually deepening into college English classes. Nowadays, there are more and more college students’ online learning resources, more and more expectation of English teachers and English classes. If teachers can not actively carry out classroom design and teaching reform according to the vivid and creative characteristics of college students, students may have Loss of interest and motivation to learn. In order to improve the initiative and enthusiasm of students in English teaching, teachers try their best to carry out a series of teaching activities in the classroom. To
发现夏天不知不觉间莅临,并不是因为炎热的天气。于我而言,那林荫中的数声蝉鸣,由远而近,渐渐汇成一支充满激情的乐章,在耳畔长鸣交响。只有到了这个时候,我才感受到夏天是真的来了。  少年时的记忆是最清晰的。蝉鸣之时正好暑假来临,没有学业荷担,身心自然轻松。在自己安排的暑假“作业”里,粘蝉玩蝉是重要一项。粘蝉的方法有好多种,我用的是最简单最节约的—用蜘蛛网粘。准备工作是要事先做好的。一根细长竹竿,用铅丝