女儿已经长大。 每天,看着女儿活蹦鲜跳地走向通往中学校门的路途,看着她那双脚有力而快捷地“啪、啪”走动,是那么的充满着朝气与弹性。我作为父亲,在欣慰之余,头脑中总会浮现出一对艳红欲滴的、闪动在白纸上的小小足印。 这对足印,就是十二年前女儿降临世间,留下的人生第一印啊! 当初,妻子身怀六甲时,我们已经商量开了,孩子的人生第一步至关重要,我们应该从这一刻起,关注她的成长,给她成长的初始期留下一个永远值得回味的纪念。
Daughter has grown up. Every day, watching her daughter brisk walking toward the school gate to the middle of the road, looking at her feet forcefully and quickly “pop, pop” walk, so full of vitality and flexibility. As a father, I am relieved that my mind always shows a small footprint of red, blinking on white paper. This pair of footprints, is the daughter of twelve years ago, leaving the world first printed! At the beginning, when we were pregnant with our wife, we had already discussed it. The first step in our children’s life is crucial. From this moment on, we should pay attention to her growth and leave a memorable memorial forever .