“管”是八字精算法(水、种、饵、混、密、轮、防、管)中的最后一个字,关于“管”,群众在生产实践中总结了许许多多宝贵的经验。如:三分养,七分管;增产措施万千条,贯彻管理一根针,等等,都形象地说明了池塘管理工作的重要性。它主要包括下列内容。 1、经常巡视池塘,认真观察“三情”(天情、水情、鱼情)。一般每天早、中、晚巡塘三次:黎明巡塘观察鱼类有无浮头现象;中年巡塘观察鱼类活动及摄食情况;傍晚巡塘检查全天吃食情况和预测有无浮头预兆。通过巡塘,观察天情(天气情况)、水情(水质情况)和鱼情(鱼的吃食情况),确定一天的工作重点,如施肥、投饲等。一般来说,天气晴
The word “pipe” is the last word in the lexical algorithm (water, seed, bait, mixture, dense, round, defensive and tube). Regarding “pipe”, the masses summed up many valuable experiences in production practice. Such as: the third support, seven in charge; thousands of stimulation measures to implement a needle, and so on, all vividly illustrates the importance of pond management. It mainly includes the following content. 1, often visit the pond, carefully observe the “three conditions” (days of love, water conditions, fish). The general daily morning, middle and late Xuntang three times: Dawn Xuan Tong observe whether the phenomenon of floating fish; middle-aged Xun Tong observation of fish activities and feeding conditions; evening Xuntang check all-day feeding and forecast whether there is floating omen. Through Xuntang, observe the natural conditions (weather conditions), water conditions (water quality) and fish (fish eating), determine the focus of the day, such as fertilization, feeding and so on. In general, the weather is fine