各位领导、各位同仁、各位来宾 :大家好 !华北地区高校图协第十五届学术年会 ,中心议题是“新世纪高校图书馆的发展战略与对策”,这个定位非常准确。在世纪伊始 ,我们华北地区高校图协的同志们、朋友们 ,在津沽大地、海河之滨 ,再度聚首 ,共谋 2 1世纪高校图书馆发展的战略大计
Ladies and Gentlemen, Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Members, The 15th Academic Annual Meeting of the Association of Universities and Colleges in North China, the central topic is “The Development Strategy and Countermeasures for University Libraries in the New Century”. This positioning is very accurate. At the beginning of this century, comrades and friends of the North China Association of Colleges and Universities, once again gathered together in the land of Jingu and the banks of the Haihe River to conspire with strategic plans for the development of university libraries in the 21st century