人体微量元素锌含量占体重的0.002%,是体内100多种金属酶的组成成份或活化剂’在组织呼吸及机体代谢中有重要作用。血清锌平均值12.2±1.5~26.8±3.5μmol/L(80±10~175±23μg/dl),血铜/锌比值为0.9~1.2。缺锌可致DNA 及蛋白质合成障碍,细胞分裂及生长受到干扰,表现为食欲减退,生长发育缓慢,免疫功能低下,组织修复困难,湿疹样皮损及疲乏,补锌治疗效果良好。
The body trace element zinc content of 0.002% of body weight, is the body of more than 100 kinds of metal enzyme components or activators’ in tissue respiration and metabolism plays an important role. Serum zinc average 12.2 ± 1.5 ~ 26.8 ± 3.5μmol / L (80 ± 10 ~ 175 ± 23μg / dl), blood copper / zinc ratio of 0.9 ~ 1.2. Zinc deficiency can cause DNA and protein synthesis obstacles, cell division and growth are disturbed, manifested as loss of appetite, slow growth and development, immune dysfunction, tissue repair difficulties, eczematous lesions and fatigue, zinc treatment is good.