我们对82例确诊为膀胱炎的女性患者随机分为两组,分别给予氟哌酸单剂量(0.6g,一次顿服)和5日疗法(0.2g,3次/d,共5d),报告如下。 1 一般资料 82例门诊女性病人,均为非妊娠期、非产褥期及月经期、非重症卧床病人,除外继发于糖尿病、系统性红斑狼疮、干燥综合征及妇科疾患等疾病的患者。年龄21~53岁,平均35岁。单剂量组40例,5日疗法组42例。诊断及治愈标准参照第二届全国肾脏病学术会议所制定标准。并在用药前及用药后1,2,4,6周进行清洁中段尿培养及菌落计数。
We randomly assigned 82 female patients diagnosed with cystitis to two groups and received a single dose of norfloxacin (0.6g once daily) and a 5-day treatment (0.2g three times daily for 5 days) as follows. 1 General Information 82 outpatient female patients are non-pregnant, non-puerperium and menstrual period, non-critically ill patients, except secondary to diabetes, systemic lupus erythematosus, Sjogren’s syndrome and gynecological diseases and other diseases. Age 21 ~ 53 years old, average 35 years old. 40 cases in single dose group and 42 cases in 5-day treatment group. The diagnosis and cure criteria refer to the standards set by the Second National Renal Disease Conference. And before treatment and 1, 2, 4, 6 weeks after treatment, urinalysis and colony counting in the middle of cleaning.