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在中国这个“人情社会”的文化背景下,人际关系显得尤为重要,而下面这8个心理定律能帮你解除人际关系困扰,成为生活幸福、事业成功的保证。归根结底,只有与人为善,社会才对你敞开。【首因效应】45秒产生第一印象初次会面,45秒钟就能产生第一印象,主要包括容貌、衣着、姿势和面部表情等。第一印象会在后续交往中占据主导地位。“首因效应”提示我们,初次见面应给人留下好印象。人们都愿意与衣着整齐、落落大方的人交往。注意言谈举止,最好能言辞幽默、侃侃而谈、不卑不亢、举止优雅。有了良好的开始也就成功了一半。 In China, this “human society ” cultural context, interpersonal relationships is particularly important, and the following eight psychological laws can help you relieve the interpersonal distress, become a happy life, the success of the guarantee. After all, society is open to you only when it is done with people. First Cause Effect 45 seconds to produce the first impression The first meeting, 45 seconds to produce the first impression, including the appearance, clothing, posture and facial expressions. The first impression will dominate in subsequent contacts. The “first cause effect” prompts us to make a good impression on our first meeting. People are willing to be neatly dressed, generous people contact. Pay attention to demeanor, it is best to speak humorous, talkative, overbearing, graceful manners. With a good start it is half done.
躯干控制及平衡能力下降是脑干卒中患者常见的障碍,临床上常见这类患者肢体力量和分离运动相对较好,却不能行走甚至不能保持站立.稳定脊柱和骨盆的核心区力量不足是其重要原因之一,没有这个力量保障,上下半身间缺乏关联,就像一个吊线松弛的木偶一样.近年来随着在竞技体育训练中对核心区力量逐渐重视,在脑卒中后偏瘫康复领域也引入了核心区(core)及核心力量训练(core strength training)的概念