科隆位于德国西部北莱菌-威斯特法伦州(简称北威州,著名的鲁尔工业区就在此州),是莱茵河流域颇具特色的美丽古城,也是德国第四大城市,人口为96万,位居柏林(人口350万)、汉堡和慕尼黑之后。科隆具有2000年的历史,巍峨壮美的哥特式大教堂和众多的罗马式教堂向世人展示着世界建筑史的辉煌;科隆又是洋溢着现代气息的世界性都市,作为全球重要的商业和博览会中心,这里每年要举办约40个国际展览会,其中25个属于相关专业领域的第一大展,每年有3.85万个来自120多个国家和地区的参展商、210万个来自170个国家和地区的参观者汇聚在科隆展览中心(Koln Messe)。2000年3月12~15日,新千年世界五金制品和DIY行业的首次盛会——第30届科隆国际五金制品及DIY技术展在Koln Messe隆重举行。
Cologne is located in North Rhine-Westphalia (North Rhine-Westphalia, the famous Ruhr industrial zone) in western Germany. It is a beautiful ancient city with unique features in the Rhine river basin and the fourth largest city in Germany. Its population 960,000, behind Berlin (3.5 million), Hamburg and Munich. Cologne has a history of 2000 years, with magnificent gothic cathedrals and numerous Romanesque churches to showcase the world architectural history of glory; Cologne is a world-filled modern city, as the world’s major business and trade fairs Center, where about 40 international exhibitions are held each year, of which 25 belong to the first exhibition of related fields of expertise, each year 38,500 exhibitors from over 120 countries and regions, 2.1 million from 170 countries and regions Area visitors gather in the Koln Messe. March 12 ~ March 2000, the New Millennium Hardware and DIY industry’s first event - the 30th International Cologne and DIY Technology Exhibition was held in Koln Messe.