六十年代的突破六十年代后半期全息术领域的特点是寻找各种恰当的应用,当时只有少数内行清楚可能出现哪些全新的奇妙应用。那时,头一次能以小于半个光波长,即十分之一微米的精度测量工程表面。在很短时间里,大西洋两岸的一些大公司和大学都把研究力量集中到这个新的领域。在欧洲从事这方面研究的有英国国家物理实验室的 Burch 小组、法国的 Vienot、瑞典
Breakthroughs in the 1960s The hologram in the latter half of the sixties characterized the search for appropriate applications where only a few experts knew what new and wonderful applications might emerge. At that time, for the first time, the engineering surface can be measured with less than half the wavelength of light, one tenth of a micrometer. In a very short period of time, some large companies and universities on both sides of the Atlantic have concentrated their research efforts in this new field. The Burch group with the British National Physical Laboratory in Europe doing research in this area, Vienot in France, Sweden