
来源 :小演奏家 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:weaselhyp
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9月5日,国际著名钢琴大师刘诗昆先生和国家大剧院蒙玉栋主任,专程来到北京珠江钢琴制造有限公司参观考察,并就京珠钢琴的品质及相关技术问题进行指导。在珠江钢琴集团公司副总经理、京珠公司总经理张朝岩等领导的陪同下,刘大师认认真真地鉴赏了每一台京珠钢琴,几乎弹奏了每一台展示的样品。还不时地在两三台钢琴之间反复地进行弹奏和比较,并把他的感觉和建议向京珠公司在场的领导和技术人员进行了阐述。 On September 5, Mr. Liu Shih-kun, an internationally renowned piano master, and director Meng Yu-tung of the National Grand Theater made a special trip to Beijing Pearl River Piano Manufacturing Co., Ltd. to visit and study the quality and related technical issues of Beijing-Zhuhai Piano. Accompanied by the deputy general manager of Pearl River Piano Corporation and Zhang Chao-yan, general manager of Beijing Zhuzhu Company, Master Liu seriously appreciates every Beijing-Zhuhai piano and plays almost every sample displayed. From time to time, he repeatedly played and compared between two or three pianos and explained his feelings and suggestions to the leaders and technicians present in Beijing Zhuzhu Company.
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一忧贫困农民看不起病,二忧农村医疗条件何时得到改善,三忧谁来接这一代村医的班。 A worried poor farmers can not afford to look down on the disease, two worries whe
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大巢菜(Vicia satival)又名野苕子,是我县沿江水田为害大、小麦的恶性杂草。其冬前生长速度较慢,当年对麦子没多大影 Vicia satival, also known as wild prickly heat, is
问:为什么近几年来水稻干尖线虫病危害严重,应如何防治? 答:水稻干尖线虫病对水稻的不同品种之间危害程度是不同的,对杂交稻危害较轻,对粳稻危害较重。近几年来,随着农村商
龟蜡蚧(Ceroplastes japonicus Green)又名龟甲蚧、白蜡蚧,属同翅目蜡蚧科蜡蚧属,是黄栀子(Gardenia jasminoides Ellis)的主要害虫,以若虫、雌成虫聚集于栀子树干和叶上吸