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棉红铃虫是我省棉花中后期四大钻蛀性害虫之一。其幼虫直接为害棉株的蕾、花、铃,造成大量脱落和僵瓣黄花,对棉花的高产、稳产和优质有很大的威胁,特别是近年来随着栽培水平的不断提高及气候条件的变化,其为害又有加重的趋势。一、为害损失红铃虫在我省一年发生三代。第一代发生为害时间是6月上旬—8月上旬,主要为害近村和离虫源较近的早发棉田,据调查,一般虫花率在20%左右。但由于该期棉株具有较强的补偿能力,因此对棉花的产量和质量均无影响。第二代发生为害时间是7月中旬—9月上旬,主要为害一、二类棉花中、下部的伏桃和早秋桃,幼虫除取食棉纤维和棉籽外,老熟后入土化蛹时还造 Pink bollworm cotton is one of the four major borers in the late cotton. Its larvae directly harm the cotton buds, flowers, bolls, resulting in a large number of shedding and dead petals, the cotton yield, stability and quality have a great threat, especially in recent years with the continuous improvement of cultivation and climatic conditions Change, its harmful and aggravating trend. First, the loss of pink bollworm occurred in our province three generations a year. The first generation of damage time is in early June - early August, the main damage near the village and the source of insects close to the early cotton fields, according to the survey, the general rate of about 20% pest. However, due to the cotton plant has a strong ability to compensate, so no effect on the yield and quality of cotton. The second generation took place in mid-July is mid-July - early September, mainly the first and second types of cotton, the lower part of the peach and early autumn peach, larvae in addition to cotton fiber and cottonseed, Made
今年夏天是北京戏曲艺术职业学院舞蹈系收获的季节。在文化部文化艺术院校奖第10届“桃李杯”中,戈薪权、冯田青两位同学一举拿下国标舞18岁组摩登舞金奖。与此同时,在全国职业院校技能大赛中,舞蹈系斩获中职组中国舞表演一等奖和高职组中国舞表演一等奖、二等奖。  本期,我们将带您走近舞蹈系主任田石杰和国标舞教研室主任成沂,一起来了解他们的教学理念和管理思路。  田石杰每天的时间表排得满满的,采访只好安排在午
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蒙古沙潜 Gonocephalum riticulatum Motsch 又名蒙古拟地(?),凡有沙潜为害的地方都混生有蒙古沙潜,其数量在某些年份还多于沙潜。是作物苗期主要害虫之一,为害各种作物、蔬
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